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do used coffee grounds deter squirrels

However, many people dont realize that coffee grounds can be used as an eco-friendly way to deter squirrels from eating your gardens seeds and fruits! 1. However, using the right quantity of coffee grounds and the correct method is essential to make this hack work effectively. To use coffee grounds as fertilizer, simply sprinkle them onto the soil surrounding your plants. You can also rely on coffee grounds and use them in your garden to get rid of moles and other insects. Work the coffee grounds into the soil around tomatoes and corn, or sprinkle them on the soil around lettuce, beets, broccoli, beans, and peas to deter rabbits and squirrels. To answer the question, yes, coffee grounds can remove squirrels from your garden. These animals are often attracted to plants and can cause damage to them by eating leaves, stems, and even roots. Used coffee grounds can help to minimize a squirrel infestation, or keep squirrels from the area altogether. You should reapply coffee grounds every few days for them to be most effective. Fact: Fruit flies are attracted to and feed on decaying fruits and vegetables, drinks (including beer and wine), spills, coffee grounds, drains, trash cans, dirty mops, towels, damp clothing, moist pet food and indoor houseplants. WebCoffee grounds are a natural repellent to many animals, including squirrels. The strong scent of the coffee grounds is an effective repellent for raccoons. If they cant get to the food, theyll soon give up and move on to an easier target. When woodland and forest are removed, the squirrels lose their natural habitat and seek somewhere to replicate where they once lived. You should reapply coffee grounds every few days in order for them to be effective. Chris has been working in the coffee industry for more than 10 years now. But do they really work? Mulch your garden with materials that squirrels dont like, such as gravel or wood chips. Ethiopian vs Kenyan Coffee: What is the Difference? It has a good reputation as well. By implementing these methods, we can coexist peacefully with squirrels while still protecting our gardens. You already know that moles cannot bear the odor of coffee grounds. Other things that might work include hot pepper flakes and cayenne pepper. Gardening in North Carolina: Growing Zoysia Grass for Maximum Resistance to Heat and Drought. Squirrels have a strong sense of smell, which they use food sources and shelter. Before jumping into the details of warding away squirrels, it is better to know what type of animal they are. If you have pets around the house, you must be extra careful when using coffee grounds. Create Unique Garden Paths with Leaf Stepping Stones! These include: Coffee grounds arent the only squirrel deterrent. This means that your soil should have a pH of 6.5 or less. They all come from practical experiences. Garlic and onion can be the best friend of your vegetable garden to save vegetables. As well as squirrels, coffee grounds work at deterring slugs, chipmunks, and even deer! They will avoid areas where coffee grounds have been Other strong-smelling plants can also be used, such as lavender or citrus peelings. Its a game-changer. Squirrels are adorable little creatures that bring a lot of joy to our lives, but they can also be quite a nuisance when it comes to our gardens. WebIts important to remember that coffee grounds are not a magic solution to keep all squirrels away from your yard. Thats why moles leave the place and go away from your garden overnight. The coffees bitter compounds are unpleasant to rats and mice. These steps are proven. On the other hand, you can use anti-moles spray on your yard to get the fastest result. Coffee grounds are natural pesticides and an inexpensive method to keep your home free of squirrels, insects, and pesky critters. Theyll also dig up bulbs and other plants in search of food. Azaleas and rhododendrons grow best in acidic soil. From using coffee in your recipes to making a scrub with it, from using leftover coffee grounds to fertilize your plants to cleaning the dirty surface, there are endless possibilities for utilizing coffee grounds. Are Fabric Pots Safe for Growing Vegetables? 1. The small to medium-sized rodents that are squirrels are ubiquitous in all sorts of places around the world. The type of coffee grounds depends on the brewing method; they can be fine to medium coarse. Squirrels prefer the basement, attic, crawl space, and eaves. If the effectiveness went so quickly, then apply grounds frequently as you need. The same goes for our hack to keep the squirrels away. While you may enjoy the smell and taste of coffee, raccoons do not. Coffee grounds are natural and safe to use to keep squirrels away. The best coffee grounds to repel squirrels are freshly-brewed coffee grounds. Some of the most common DIY mole repellents use any of castor oil, tar, coffee grounds,tobacco, and red pepper. Coffee grounds are a natural deterrent and will make your yard unappealing to them. By using these natural deterrents, you can keep squirrels away and protect your garden from damage. Squirrels can be one of many problems with uninvited animals around the house, but many other annoying animals can invade your home. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), coffee grounds are an efficient way to keep pests out of your garden. For example, coffee grounds can help to deter slugs and snails from your garden beds. Caffeine can increase heart rate, induce arrhythmias and hyperactivity, and even cause cardiac arrest in birds. If you live in the suburbs, you can use coffee grounds to ward off raccoons, deer, and bears. Geraniums, Lily of the Valley, Daffodils, and Hyacinth are only some of the plants th Squirrels Avoid Garlic. If they eat coffee grounds in large quantities, they may fall sick due to indigestion. This characteristic leads them to damage your garden and home area. The main reason is, squirrels do not like coffee grounds. Many squirrels are synanthropic and love living near humans and enjoying their gardens. Do your garden beds have shallow holes dug in them? Dumping spent coffee grounds near your garden or yard signals to skunks that humans are nearby and keeps them away. Add coffee to the garden at least once a week, or the squirrels will keep returning. While humans love the aroma and taste of coffee, most animals, including squirrels and chipmunks, find the smell repulsive. Before you discard those used coffee grounds or send them straight to the compost, consider these clever household uses for them: Why coffee grounds? It is important to spray the vinegar as ofen as needed to maintain its effectiveness in repelling squirrels. As I already talked about, the spray is a chemical repellent. If youre looking for a natural way to keep squirrels away from your garden, you may have heard that coffee grounds are a great solution. It has an overpowering odor that keeps insects and garden pests away from the yard. 10 Smart and Unusual Uses For Used Coffee Grounds. You can use fresh ground coffee as well. Many of them are synanthropic, live nearby human beings, and profit from them. Relax friends. Tree Identification Made Easy: Find the Best App for Gardening Fans, Grow Your Own Lychee Tree: A Gardener's Guide, Lemon for Bee-Friendly Gardening: Tips for Attracting & Deterring Bees, The Perfect Time to Fertilize Your Texas Lawn for Gardeners. Whether it is the direct or indirect approach, squirrels start coming again and again. He is passionate about creating fantastic coffee experiences for people and loves exploring new ways to make coffee more exciting and delicious. There are a few different ways you can use coffee grounds to keep squirrels away: In my experience, the best way to keep squirrels away is to mix coffee grounds with water and spray the mixture around your garden or bird feeder. A: Coffee grounds will lose potency after a few days, so youll need to reapply them regularly. Squirrels do not like the smell of coffee. But, those are very keen and curious animals. Sometimes they could eat flesh such as eggs, small birds, young snakes, and insects. Again, used coffee grounds have already lost their effectiveness, and then they start to spread the chemical odor. Its important to use coffee grounds correctly to ensure their effectiveness. DIY Mole Repellent. Yes, you can buy other artificial or even natural deterrents but coffee grounds will cost nothing. The bears roll around in coffee grounds like a cat in catnip! One thing to let you know, planting these does not mean saving your house area at all. They eat seeds, nuts, plants, fruits, green vegetables, and fungi. Set up a squirrel-proof bird feeder. Another option is to use physical barriers such as chicken wire or mesh to prevent squirrels from accessing the area. Dont waste money putting down fresh coffee grounds, simply keep the used coffee grounds from when youve made coffee! Coffee grounds are the best pest controller. You can sprinkle these spices around your plants and flowers to keep squirrels away. These compounds make the coffee unpalatable to the rodents, causing them to avoid areas where there is the use of coffee grounds. These mammals can live anywhere from semiarid deserts to tropical rainforests. These are some things to look out for: As previously mentioned, coffee grounds are excellent to repel squirrels and prevent damage to your home and garden. The following insects have been reported to be disgusted by the scent of coffee grounds: The answer to this question is yes, use coffee grounds as a natural rodent repellent. More alkalinity from the Robusta beans or acidity from the arabica beans can damage the plants if you spread thick layers of coffee. You can make this easily by mixing up 1 gallon of water, 1 teaspoon of dishwashing liquid, and a small bottle of hot pepper sauce. I know some of you are very curious because of talking AGAINST squirrels, the sweet little things. Especially the female squirrels become pests in the home and build nests to raise the baby squirrels. Home - Beans - Do Coffee Grounds Keep Squirrels Away? Whats more, coffee grounds help attract worms, which are great for your garden. If you want to repel moles overnight or soon, you should simply eliminate all the worms from your yard. Using coffee grounds in your yard or garden not only work as a deterrent but also benefits the garden. So, these are the four reasons why coffee grounds help to repel moles. (Quick Answers), Does Smoke Repel Flies? Cold Brew Coffee These plants through squirrels out from a specific colony. Curated by. Therefore, it is important to keep coffee grounds stored in a sealed container to prevent attracting unwanted pests. Solving the Mystery of Yellow Leaves on your Crape Myrtle. Whichever coffee you use, once you spread coffee grounds, ensure it covers the area because you can never know where the squirrels would smell it. The caffeine in coffee is toxic for pets and might be life-threatening if they fall sick. You may have to put it on more frequently if it rains. Sometimes squirrels come to visit our house yard and like the gardens too. Regardless of what type of coffee grounds you use, regular or even decaf coffee, squirrels are not a fan of the smell of coffee, and neither they like the taste. The strong aroma of coffee can help mask the scent of the plants and other food sources that these animals are attracted to, making them less likely to come near. To use it, simply grate some Irish Spring soap and sprinkle it around your plants or garden bed. In fact, the only places you wont see them are in the vast polar regions and in very arid places. The short and quick answer to this question is yes, you can use coffee grounds to keep squirrels away. Gardening Fans: Protect Yourself with the Right Gardening Hat! It can increase heart rate, induce arrhythmias and hyperactivity, and even cause cardiac arrest in birds. WebThe coffee grounds phobia seems on par with the lamb, and many people report their dogs and cats have an aversion to the odor. Therefore, coffee grounds can repel moles too. You can put it everywhere and make the environment anti-moles. First, pour 4 cups of water into the spray bottle. To get rid of moles with coffee grounds, you may follow our steps. Then put some soil on the coffee grounds. It will be effective and the best way to repel moles. In fact, when implemented correctly, coffee grounds can be an effective way to repel certain pests such as wasps, snails, and mosquitoes. It will negatively affect your garden. The scent of dryer sheets is also effective in repelling oter rodents such as mice. Do coffee grounds repel moles? Roaches are repelled by ground coffee. Raccoons are deterred from coffee grounds the same way that deer are. You can repel squirrels using scents they hate such as, capsaicin, white vinegar, peppermint oil, coffee grounds, cinnamon, predator urine, garlic, dryer sheets, Irish Spring Soap, and rosemary. Is Using Fresh or Used Coffee Grounds More Effective for Repelling Squirrels? Your backyards coffee grounds could act as a barrier to keep other pests away from your plants and trees. Squirrels are determined little creatures that seem to be able to charm their way into just about anything including your garden or bird feeder. Coffee ground is natural and a great deterrence to expel squirrels. However, it is essential to keep the coffee grounds in a cool and dry place and store them in airtight containers. You may use other deterrence for your house. You can use coffee beans too. Yes, Im talking about our regular coffee grounds. Dryer sheets can repel squirrels. CoffeeAtoZ states that, our website contains affiliate links on multiple articles. As a result, they build their nest in your home and garden. Here come the coffee grounds. Squirrels. Here, the overpowering odor plays a crucial role. Once they realize theres no more free food, theyll move on. Spice plants inside mean squirrels will be less likely to enter your home. He loves to chat about all things coffee, and he's happy to share his tips with anyone interested in learning more about this delicious beverage. Coffee beans also come with caffeine. The best way to use coffee grounds for spiders and other insects is to place burnt coffee grounds in areas around the outside of windows and doors. From this perspective, moles are helpful. They live in the garden where other insects live nearby. Rafat Saleheen is a trained barista and coffee enthusiast. Just be warned you may have to deal with a few extra cups of coffee each week. This smell will help to keep the squirrels away from the areas you want to protect. However, other studies suggest that caffeine can have adverse side effects on mice especially if consumed at higher doses. Coffee drinkers with serious squirrel infestation problems have everything they need to deter them from their gardens or bird feeders. When squirrels come into the home, they can carry diseases. You may need to use other methods, such as fencing or netting, to protect your plants. Fungi attract birds and squirrels, while mold damages your plants. The coffee grounds will also add nutrients to your soil, benefiting your plants! If you have a bird feeder, make sure its squirrel-proof so the squirrels cant access the food. Caring For Your Yucca Plant: Why Leaves May Turn Yellow, Saving Your Plants: How to Fix Yellowing Leaves During Flowering, Troubleshooting Yellow Leaves on Ivy: A Gardening Fans Guide, Gardening in Colorado: Planting Hydrangeas for Colorful Blooms, Comparing Hobbit Jade and Gollum Jade: A Guide for Gardening Fans, Caring for Young Japanese Maples: A Gardeners Guide, Caring for Olive Trees: Dealing with Yellowing Leaves, Gardening in Ohio: Enjoying the Beauty of Yellow Wildflowers. Sometimes, Squirrels could be one of those enemies. The Benefits of Fabric Grow Bags for Your Garden, Bringing Life Back to Your Peace Lily: Tips for Overcoming Wilting After Transplanting. It remains the most cost-effective way. Moles will not be there anymore. You can use it to get rid of different insects. Squirrels have a strong sense of smell, and certain scents such as white pepper, black pepper, and garlic are naturally unpleasant to them. Look for half or fully-eaten nuts, fruits, flowers, or vegetables. If squirrels are causing you problems and youre a coffee drinker, you have everything you need to deter them from certain areas of your garden and home. We have found 5 top reasons in this regard. You may have to find some other solutions for it. You need to find out the hokes first. Festive Jello Salads for the Holiday Gardener, Creating a Stunning Garden with Japanese Painted Ferns and Their Perfect Companions, Optimal Watering Schedule for Hydroponic Weed Growing, A Garden for All Seasons: Year-Round Plant Ideas for Gardening Enthusiasts, Comparing Zoysia and Bermuda Grass for Gardening Enthusiasts, Gardening in Southern California: The Benefits of Zoysia Grass. In fact, the bitter compounds found in coffee are actually repelling to rodents such as rats and mice. Be sure to use fresh coffee grounds, as stale ones wont have as strong a scent. Used coffee grounds are a better deterrent than unused coffee grounds. With spring garden planning in full swing, its no surprise that pesky critters are at the top of many gardeners minds. In addition to deterring animals, coffee grounds will also add nutrients to your soil. You can scatter these around your plants, or simply bury them in the soil. What are the Drawbacks of Using Coffee Grounds to Keep Squirrels Out of the House? No! Gardening with Redwoods: Unlocking Nature's Greatest Secrets! 2. You might notice damage and chew marks on your wooden interior, walls, and wiring. Just mix it with water and apply it to your plants or garden area. So, you can use coffee grounds to deter other animals, like locusts, chipmunks, snails, and ants. Chris is the founder and editor of Not Not Coffee, a website dedicated to making the art of coffee making easy. Make sure, you do not get affected by that. Coffee grounds are an effective and environmentally friendly way to deter squirrels, but if youre looking for other options, you can also install a physical barrier or use a commercial repellent. Squirrels generally dig the earth to preserve their food. The Long Answer. Home-made pepper spray can also be very effective. So to answer do coffee grounds repel squirrels? the answer is yes. As like. WebGassing is a more extreme pest control method and less popular mole repellent.It should be used as a last option or left to a pest control professional. As it turns out, squirrels hate coffee grounds! Are animals attracted to coffee grounds? On the other hand, coffee grounds can keep moles away from your garden. Adding garlic or onion to a vegetable garden can put them off, and if youre trying to protect a flower bed, there are many varieties that might help. They like migrating to urban areas with ample fruits, nuts, and vegetables. These critters are notorious for digging up bulbs, eating fruits and vegetables, and even chewing through wires and insulation. The Benefits of Using In urban areas, however, they often turn to gardens and bird feeders for their food. When they do inhabit our homes, they can cause significant damage to the homes infrastructure and installations. Freshly ground beans are generally the best option as they tend to have a stronger aroma, which may make them less appealing to small animals like squirrels. They also store in other places like tree holes or abandon sites of your home. From being useful for several purposes around the home and garden, coffee grounds can also spruce up your beauty routine. There are some reasons why coffee grounds help repel moles from your garden or house. (Including Strawberries! Chipmunks, deer, and slugs disgust coffee grounds too. This homemade squirrel repellent is a natural and safe way to protect your garden from pesky squirrels. Saving Your Monstera from Root Rot: A Water Propagation Guide for Gardening Fans, Discover the Beauty of Fothergilla: Tips for Growing this Deciduous Shrub. Coffee grounds keep squirrels away, but it is a tasking method. Do Deer Enjoy Pumpkins? If you have installed bird feeders in your yard, then decoys can keep birds away too. If you think squirrels are harmless or cant determine how they can damage your property, I have a list of signs for you. Coffee as a fertilizer improves the health of your soil, making it more fertile, and as a result, the plants grow better. It seems squirrels do not like coffee grounds! If you want coffee grounds to be most effective, reapply them every few days. 16 Different Espresso Machine Types That You Should Know Of, 19 Different Ways to Brew Coffee [Step-By-Step Guide], 5 Substitutes for Coffee Filters That You Probably Have Lying Around the House, A Brief History of Coffee Timeline: What, When & How, 7 Best Low Acid Coffee of 2023: Quality Brands Engineered For Low Levels Of Acidity. Mix coffee grounds with water and spray the mixture around your garden or bird feeder. Coffee grounds will keep squirrels from your garden, as they dislike the bitter taste and off-putting scent of coffee, which makes them avoid the area. That will help to create a strong odor. He started as a barista at a trendy late-night coffee shop while he completed his BCom degree. There are other ways of keeping squirrels away. Squirrels are natural foragers who eat various things in backyards, such as fruits, seeds, flowers, and vegetables. Do moles like coffee grounds? Soil Aeration and Nitrogen Boost for Houseplants. You can also use used coffee grounds. For an effective outcome, you may put coffee grounds frequently. You can use it to get rid of pests and insects. If you want to deter squirrels more naturally, there are other things that work. After finding and marking all the holes, start putting coffee grounds into them. However, they offer your garden more benefits as they are a great source of nitrogen. If you want to deter moles, you should use coffee grounds. Coffee grounds act as natural pesticides for animals that wreak havoc on plants, and it's definitely your surest bet when it comes to keeping your garden safe. You need to put coffee grounds in the right amount and right place. Chemical smells, such as ammonia, bleach, and mothballs also work as mice deterrents. Brian Arbogast. To use coffee grounds to repel squirrels, simply sprinkle fresh coffee grounds around the soil surrounding your plants every two weeks. Simply collect your coffee grounds in a container or bin throughout the week. Coffee grounds have unlimited uses. Plants that squirrels dont like include daffodils, geraniums, Galanthus, fritillaries, lily of the valley, hyacinth, and alliums. Therefore, you can follow and repel your garden moles. There are several reasons why squirrels have wandered into urban areas and our gardens. You can get artificial squirrel repellents and natural squirrel repellents too. I built my compost bin out of chicken wire and a four plastic posts, an animal could get in it easily. Yes, it is good. You can take advantage of this sense by using smells that they dislike- specifically coffee grounds. Damage to the air vents or insulation system. Yes, you can purchase a squirrel repellent spray (opens in new tab), which are made of (often natural) ingredients that squirrels hate. Webessential oils to deter foxes essential oils to deter foxes. Yes, there are many plants that squirrels hate. It could be regular coffee or decaf coffee. One of the best ways to deter squirrels is to make sure your bird feeder is out of reach. Companies go through the process to ensure the coffee bedding is dry, free from any harmful agents or caffeine, and ready for your flock. There are several tings that you can put on the ground to keep squirrels away. Place fresh coffee grounds together with plant bulbs to keep squirrels from digging up potted bulbs. Skunks have a very good sense of smell and hearing to make up for their poor eyesight. You stated that coffee grounds are not harmful however this is grossly incorrect. So if youre tired of dealing with these pesky creatures, simply spread some coffee grounds around your property and enjoy the peace and quiet. These methods can be used individually or in combination to keep squirrels away from your property. Spread coffee near bird feeders to keep squirrels away. There will be NO additional charge to buyer at all. The grounds contain caffeine, which is harmful to squirrels. When digging, they can cause damage to bulbs and plant roots, and they might even decide to tuck into the vegetables in your kitchen garden. If you know what to look for, youll know whether or not you have a problem with squirrels in your garden. Squirrels will avoid anywhere where youve placed coffee grounds. They can also be a health risk. Squirrels avoid places with coffee grounds as they dislike them. Put two cups of coffee grounds in a In this process, squirrels can damage the roots and bulbs of your plants in the garden. Gardening Fans: Mastering the Care of Your Swiss Cheese Plant! Gardening Tips for Adding Tropical Vibes in Zone 8: Palms for the Home Garden. Thats why you might need to repel moles. Are you tired of pesky squirrels invading your backyard and stealing all the birdseed from your feeders? Initially, it is recommended to replace the dryer sheets every week and then gradually decrease the frequency of replacement as the scent fades. We are right to think squirrels belong in tropical forests or deserts. using coffee grounds is a safe, natural, and effective way to deter squirrels and chipmunks from your property. just so you know As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. If youre having trouble with squirrels in your garden or bird feeder, give coffee grounds a try you may be surprised at how effective they are! WebDo Coffee Grounds Repel Squirrels and Chipmunks From Your Garden. Fortunately, you can do a few things to keep these furry pests at bay. Copyright 2022 OutdoorAlive | About Us | Privacy Policy. Using coffee grounds is not the only way to deter squirrels. If you had pets, then these artificial squirrel repellents may affect those too. The main reason this works is that squirrels hate them. The smell of the coffee repels snails, slugs and ants. They like invading bird feeders, looking for seeds or food. Squirrels may be sweet and cute animals, but they can make your home chaotic. As our question: Do coffee grounds attract pests? no! Non-chemical repellents are usually squirrel predator decoys that use the sounds of animal predators like owls and hawks. Alternative ways of keeping the squirrels away. Except for the flesh items, all the seeds and veg-items attract squirrels to your garden. Coffee grounds contain nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous, all of which are essential nutrients for plant growth and health. Green Packs is a gardening blog that helps people make their garden thrive, no matter their level of experience. First, it will surely repel moles; it will also destroy the other beneficial insects. Chew marks on wiring or water tubing around the house. If you find these symptoms, then definitely it is the squirrel damage. Coffee grounds release an overpowering odor thats the most compelling part that repels moles. Moles are known as garden pests. Decoys of hawks, owls, or scary animals can deter squirrels, including other animals. Additionally, you can repel the annoying insects from your home or garden using coffee grounds. A: Yes, you can use instant coffee as a Squirrel deterrent. Gardening Fans: Plant Zoysia Grass in Arkansas for a Beautiful Lawn! Not only do coffee grounds provide a delicious and energizing drink for you, but they can also be used as a natural squirrel repellent. A: In addition to keeping squirrels away, coffee grounds can also be used to add nutrients to your soil. Thanks for indicating a very serious issue. Squirrels are omnivores, which means they eat both plants and animals. Sometimes, the excess coffee ground may affect your plants too. This spray could be helpful too to deter rabbits, rats, and other animals. If you can identify the squirrel damages, you will be able to prevent them. These come in non-chemical and chemical forms. If you live in the suburbs, you can use coffee grounds to You should walk through the garden and see all the holes. You could have caused a lot of harm unknowingly. In a nutshell, you should create an unfriendly environment that goes against the moles. FAQs About Using Coffee Grounds to Keep Squirrels Away. They can also come with a spray that has the same scent as a squirrel predator. They look for dark and quiet hiding places, like basements, attics, or tree cavities. And most insects and pests dont like caffeine. Put between half an inch and one inch on top of the garden soil; Spread coffee grounds around the stems of potted plants; Put more coffee grounds where you see the most squirrel damage; Spread a large number of coffee grounds around your bird feeders; Add more coffee grounds at least once per week, but every few days if you get a lot of wind and rain; Put coffee grounds into your compost heap (but be mindful of how much as this could mess up the ph levels of the compost. Sometimes they fail. Coffee can be an excellent ingredient for a gentle DIY exfoliant to have radiant skin. In this article, I will clarify to you the reasons for Squirrel damage, identify the damage, and how to stop it. Consider using a live trap to catch the squirrels and relocate them somewhere else. Remove anything that squirrels can use as a food source 3. Do coffee grounds keep them away? Pour Over Coffee. Coffee grounds can be used to repel squirrels. What is the fastest way to get rid of moles in your yard? Thats right, folks. But neither in the high polar regions nor the arid places. The reason is, squirrels do not like coffee grounds.

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do used coffee grounds deter squirrels

do used coffee grounds deter squirrels

do used coffee grounds deter squirrels